I don’t want you to have to deal with Gamsol or other odorless mineral spirits while at home. Here is a simple brush/tool cleaning procedure you can use at home, which substitutes common cooking vegetable oil for Gamsol:
- Wipe as much excess paint as possible out of your brushes and off of your palette knives
- Fill 2 small glass jars (salsa or jelly jars are ideal sizes) ½ way with vegetable oil (cheap blended vegetable oil is fine.) You can put a dish “scrubby” in the bottom if you’d like to be able have something to work/agitate your brush against and remove more paint
- Label jars as “1” and “2”
- Dip your brushes into jar “1” and clean them as you would with Gamsol; wipe them as clean as you can
- Dip your brushes into jar “2” and repeat the process; you’ll notice that you’ll get less paint out of your brushes in jar “2” and the vegetable oil will stay cleaner than in jar “1.” Wipe them as clean as you can
- Use Murphy’s oil soap or dish detergent (both of which cut oil and mix with water) to clean the remaining vegetable oil from your brushes. DO NOT DO THIS IN YOUR KITCHEN SINK; Please use a laundry or work sink to do this. Barring that, use a bathroom sink or bathtub.
- For the love of god, do not make a mess in your family sinks
Here’s a good youtube tutorial that shows the process. She includes a 3 bucket soap and water system at the end that might be good if you don’t have access to a work sink:
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